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Chimotoivo Alaskan Malamute


KodahKodah is a Syberian Husky who is born on May 5, 2011. When we saw Kodah for the first time, we liked him already. Especially the color (red-brown) attracted us very much. Most huskies we know are in black and white, that is why it was nice just to see a less frequently encountered color. In terms of view, Kodah really was a little bear like in the 'Brother Bear' movie. That's also where his name's from, Kodah means grizzly bear.

For safety reasons we have had him castrated in order to certainly have no unwanted pregnancies with the Malamutes; therefore it's not possible to participate in shows with him, but he comes with us as a loyal supporter.

Kodah is a quirky, energic tog, so Tom often takes him along mushing. He's really close to his owners and family, as he would defend them.

Thanks to his supporters experience on the shows, usually contact with other dogs is no problem. Cats, however, are a true delight to chase.

Unfortunately we had to say goodbye to Kodah on April 16, 2018.

Chimotoivo Alaskan Malamute

We try to breed strong and healthy dogs with soft, stable characters without aggression that are nicely built, with a keen eye for their original task.


Rooms, Tom | +32 496/79 44 26
De Wilde, Whitney | +32 498/35 51 17